Friday, 5 April 2013


Assalamu'alaikum >_<
Okay, just now,I've made some cleaning in my dearest lappy memory ^^
And at last, I found a 'crazy' file in my webcam folder.
Oh!You know what?It's our candid pictures and videos taken in our class in school.
Come,let's check these out..
Okay,yg cumill mata bulat tu aliyah ^^
yg tudung putih tu,aku..

memang gila time nihh _ _"

sempat pulak betulkan tudung _ _"

the cute speckie in blue,Izzaty.
girl in green,Fatin.
The other speckie in white is Farah : )

Yang buat muka tahape-hape kat blkg tu,Azhar.
while yg tudung biru tu, Qurr2.

Okay,done viewing our crazy pic?
Now,let's check out our insane videos pulak.

Yeah,memang gila sangat..But I'm not there rite?Because I'm talking to our teacher in our class.
What?There are a teacher?How can we *them make such a video in class.
h AHA.small matter la ; )

Yeah,tak tahu nak cakap ape.Ouhh.I miss them damn much!
And I don't know why they're singing Ramadhan song.Even raya is over.
Okay,budak lelaki yg appear dalam video ni memang a little bit annoying..
h AHA.btw,he is Megat.
Entah sape la jemput dia lepak dalam kelas 5A masa tuhh _  _""

Ohh!!Miss them a lot.Thanks for webcamming with my lappy,
so when I miss them,I can view their 'performance' in my lappy.
Actually,there are more pic and vid but,what I've uploaded is enough.
And,ouhh.Fyi,we're recording these on 22nd of September 2012 which is after 
our trial examination of SPM.
And there are no teachers who wants to teach on that RELAXING day except Puan Saayah,our add maths teacher : ( It's okay lhaa,for our own sake jugak,kan?
h AHA.langsung tak nervous nak SPM.gila.tak sedar diri.

So long,

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