Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Assalamu'alaikum. this post's title again.
It is FRIENDS,rite?
act,nobody knows what for did we have friends.
bcoz, when we hve friends, sometimes...
we ARGUE with them,
we MISS them,
we HATE them,
we NEED them..
I'm confuse also.what is friends for?
I do hve a lot of friends.
but,I'm just like many people..
'bout what?

'bout dividing friends to many types..
such as, best friends, good friends, bad friends,
why do we need that all?
all type of friends is JUST THE SAME.
we can't differentiate them..
we love them,but why we hate them?
we need them, but why we throw them away?
we miss them,but why do we ignore them?
ask ourselves.
why and why?
act, I miss my friends damn much!!
from kindergarten,
and in primary school,SKPP
6c. miss u all..

 still remember that time.when I was in std 6.It's a very JOYFUL moments.we are in a great class.
yeah.!we are all GREAT!h AHA.(bad laugh)..for all 6C-ians .I miss u all : ) and teachers too!

and for secondary school,3 years and 2 months of my life that I spent in MTS is just a very very very PRECIOUS moment.I met friends,wardens, and teachers that lead me to an Islamic path,lead me to Allah   : ) alhamdulillah.I had great friends there.In that school, I learn a lot 'bout Islam that I couldn't get outside.The greatest memory ever in my life.leaving that school didn't show that I'm leaving what MTS-ians had taught me.not only the hadith,fiqh,tauhid,muthalaah,imlak,akhlak,sirah and so on.but the meaning 'bout life as caliph in this world of Allah's..and I'll never leaving my 16 juz' Quran that I've memorize just like that..don't worry ustaz,ustzah, I'll always murajaah..I'll miss MTS a lot.It's a very hurt memories to remember,bcoz I couldn't get that moment anymore bcoz time cannot been turn around.the most PRECIOUS moment that will last forever is 'bout 5th batch of MTS.'NEVER WALK ALONE'.that tagline is our's.I'll never forget that..MTS will last forever in my soul :'( thanks Allah for giving me an opportunity to know more 'bout You and Islam through MTS.

Fivers.I'll pray for our success.

satukanlah jiwa kami ya Allah..

look! MTS is beautiful,rite?

Kami memang berjaya!54 got 9a's and 36 got 8a's in pmr.It's great,isn't it?
 p/s: MTS stand for MAAHAD TAHFIZ SAINS,tanah merah,kelantan : )

then,from kelantan, I flew back to my home and studied in SMKPP[smk puchong perdana] 
*tak hebat pon skolah ni..BUT!smkpp buat hidop sye jadi HEBAT.
although I'm here for just 1 yrs and 7 months,it really means a lot. I met my new friends and also my old friends from skpp : )

this is 4B!
act,I'm not really happy when the teacher said that I got to sit in 4B!!  ''NO WAY!!how can I!I got 8A's in my PMR!! how can I sit in second class.''that's the words that I've almost spill to that teacher.Thanks to Allah that I didn't.
Later then,(urmm,,maybe 3 to 4 weeks later.....)
Alhamdulillah that I didn't get to sit in 4A..h AHA.
why?bcoz 4A and 4B hve a looooooot of diff..
I really don't know why. but I guess I felt like that bcoz I hve great moments in 4B : )
there's so many memories that can lead to laugh, tears and all kind of emotions.It's too many to tell.but the most unfogettable one is when an acc happen to Azhar.hmm.I'm deadly sure that my stomach will hurts a lot bcoz of laughing when I try to remember 'bout them..  : ) and the katak-lalat-kambing's things..I'll never forget 'bout them..

4b on eid's celebration at school.
haishh.why did Qurratu' loves to sit on Shahira?

this is when we're at our gath..

 soooo,from 4B to 5A..time left me so fast.
this is when we're in graduation day.
sooo, in 5A, I got sooo many new experience.
why oh why?
bcoz, I learn a lot in 5A..hrmm.we got so much trouble in 5A.
to be frank, we've A LOT of troubles with teachers,,and there's so many bad rumors 'bout us,5A.
but we are fighting back together,,h AHA.we faced all of da prob together2..5A to unity!!!
but all of da prob teach us to be more matured,rite?
as we are facing SPM together,I do pray for our success : )
at the back (from left) : fook loy, siva, ong, and heng hong!
in front : izzaty,qurr2 and me!
*menggediks je letak pic nyhh.
hey!suka jiwa aku lahh!this is my blog! fullstop.
pic with ong,fly,siv and heng hong is taken when we do some lepaking and ponteng kelas.. ^_^

I miss u damn much friends,
and also teachers that teach me a lot,about how to stand,walk,and run for success...
Thank you Allah for sending me great friends.

this du'a is specially for my friends..
Ya Allah,aku hanya hambaMu yg lemah,
Alhamdulillah..terima kasih kerana memberiku sahabat sebaik mereka.
Ya Allah.,satukanlah jiwa kami,
sucikanlah hati kami,
teguhkanlah iman kami,
kuatkanlah pegangan akidah kami,
mantapkanlah ilmu kami,
lapangkanlah dada kami,
permudahkanlah segala urusan kami,
tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang benar,iaitu jalan orang soleh,
berikanlah kami kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat.
berkatilah hidup kami di dunia ini agar dapat merasai nikmat di syurgamu nanti ya Allah..
kekalkanlah ukhuwah yang terjalin ini ya Allah,
kuatkanlah tali persahabatan ini ya Allah,
moga persahabatan ini membawa kepada rahmatMu ya Allah..
Aaamiiiiin ya Rabbal  'alamiiin..

sahabat ,UHIBBUKUM LILLAH :' )
we're friend till jannah,kan?

p/s:missRABBIT loves sahabat : )


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