Saturday, 15 December 2012


Assalamu'alaikum : )
Hi and hi. *greetings punyelah banyak!
Kay,ini cerita hari Khamis punye : )
waaaahhhh.hari Khamis punye,hari Sabtu baru terkedek-kedek nak post.
suka hati aku lhaa!!
kay,first thing first.This story is full of colours..
yeah!I mean, full of feelings and emotions...
kenapa?why oh why?
bcoz today,Qurr2,Zaty and me are goin' to snorkeling together.
aiyaaa!salah script sudaa.
kami pergi touring with bicycle!! _ _"
h AHA.weirdo?-don't mind-
I'm nuts 'bout riding bicycle..
don't believe?

our bicycle!
from left : mine,zaty's and Qurr2's

why is it WONDERFUL DAY?
coz,I'm spending soo much time with my bestiesss.
we had sooo much fun!
start touring at 11..
memang burning lhaa kulit aku...  :'(
hmmm,nva mind.for the sake of my friend..
mula2,jaln2 till we reach Fatin's house.
lepaking till 12.30, I think!.
why must lepak dulu?sebab nak pinjam bicycle!
h AHA.terok2.terbongkar semuanya!act, that's not my bicycle,it's Fatin's.
it's not weird for not having a bicycle,rite?
anyway, thanks a lot FATIN. I've got so much fun with your bicycle : )
next,after we finish lepaking at Fatin's..we ride around Puchong Indah .
When i't's time for Zuhur prayer,we stop by masjid as-salam and pray : )
hmmm. Alhamdulillah..After we done praying,we're goin' to cendol stall..
*the usual place we do lepaking activities...ngeh53..
but!! on the way to cendol stall,
a very HORRIBLE thing happens.It's a nightmare to Qurr2 and Zaty!

kenapa?the story begin like this,kay?
we're at a three first, Qurr2 cross the road.
then,it's me.I'm riding deadly fast lhaa,kan..sebab three junc mmg bahaya.
furthermore, I heard that Zaty is shoutin' at me like this ''wani,laju ckit!'' 
so, I thought that I'll ride in front of her.
tapi!!! bila dah sampai kt bahu jalan, dia potong aku pulakk!
dah lhaa orang laju gila nihh.
kay,kat situ boleh control lagi.
tiba-tiba pulak!!!
she suddenly brake!!!!!
Ya Allah...
so,takkan lhaa aku nak langgar bontot bicycle dia pulak,kan?
time aku nak elak, aku jln kat tepi dia,tiba2 entah cam mne boleh sangkut,
finally, aku jatuh atas jalan :'(
bila dah jatuh atas jalan, ade lori dtg dari depan. Masya Allah..
laju gila kot lori tuhh..mmg jalan kat sini sibuk lhhaa..
tapi Alhamdulillah,lori tuh brake...
Ya Allah...tak tau nak ckp cne,rse nak sujud syukur kat jalan tu jugak!
then, why did I said it is a nightmare for Qurr2 and Zaty?
bcoz they said, when I fell on the road, I hve a great expression.
what kind of expression? It's NOTHING.
my reaction didn't show any emotions.
why?hmmmhh. I don't know.
but Alhamdulillah,I didn't hurt anywhere.
ni lhaa three junc tuhh.
*(sempat pulak melawat tempat kejadian)

Di bahu jalan inilah aku tersungkur menyembah bumi..
*ayat gempak habiss.

kay,after the accident,gelak2 bcoz kelakar sangat.
h AHA. tak ley bla kodd.
then,lupakan kejadian itu..
we're then flew to the photo shop : )
?#@betol ke ayat aku?
why did we go there?
coz Zaty yg gedikkss nak print pic and whtsoever!
h AHA.Zaty,jgn marah..
ntah ape yg mereka bincangkan,KHUSYUK sgt!

cute Qurr2 dgn purdahnya :)

when we're done at the photo shop..
lepaking at cendol stall!!!
hmmm..tapi,bukannye gi mkn cendol,
just membasahkan tekak dengan air yang sejuk~
Qurr2 order cendol,Zaty and me?
ice tea jea~
Qurr2 :)

Zaty yg gedikkss ;)
tunggu punya tungu akhir nya..
cendol pulut Qurr2 dah sampai..

kenapa air sirap???!!!!!!!
hadeshhh..sadis sungguh hari ini.
I'm ordering teh 'o' ais lah bang..
~bakpo la jadi gini :'(
abe..sayo nop air teh 'o' beang!!
uhuk uhuk..
takpo lhaa..REDHA.BERSERAH..
Zaty cakap, "takpelah Wani,minum jea,dia dah buat''
ni yg tak puas hati nihh.!!
kang aku report kat tribunal pengguna karang,,ha!
baru tau..
sabar Wani, ingat Allah..
Wani yg minum sambil memberi sharp glance kat abg air tuhh..
*berani lah sgt..
minum lhaa air tu Wani,walaupon msih t'byg teh 'o' ais...
Zaty and me :)

Qurr2 and Zaty :)
*air Zaty da abes..
after lepaking..dah pukul 2 lebih..
so,anak dara tak boleh keluar lame2..
ayahandaku sudah calling2..
hantar bicycle Fatin.
 dah hantar Fatin's bike,
~matkool2x kawanku..mari kita ikot,selalu,,main2 ~
pakcik aiskrim naik moto lalu pulop..
sgt menggoda~mne taknye,panas2 cmni,kan3x??
Qurr2 dgn aiskrim.

Zaty,mkn tu,duduk..

aku pon gelojoh jugak..
*haishh anak dara ape lhaa mkn berdiri..

then,the story isn't finish yet..
we flew back..
On our way home,Zaty sampai rumah dulu.
Then tak sampai 3 minit *yeke?* perjalanan dari rumah Zaty,
It raining cats and dogs..
Qurr2 and me are extremely wet!
basah + kuyup + lencun..
haisshh.tang tang ni jugak nak hujan..

yeah!wani sudah kuyup....
then, Qurr2 stop by rumah Wani kejap,
hujan tak berhenti..
Qurr2 pnye seluar koyak!!!
unbelievable..cne tah bleh koyak kt lutut..
besar jugak torn tuhh..
so,alang2 da sampai rumah Wani,
Qurr2 pon pinjam lhaa my slack : )
h AHA.lawak giler lhaa.

so long,


  1. smpi aty kowg sume xajk aq s'kli eh!!!!
    p diam2 jerk yew... jelez taw..
    arghhh!! tgok larh kowg law aq jmpe kowg nnti..hahaha
