Wednesday, 27 March 2013

next SHORT story.

Okay,last time I said that I'll update more stories that happened in February, rite?
This time,it may be an exciting story for newbie like me but a BORING story to tell the experts.
but,whatever..I'm gonna tell 'bout it, ENJOY!

#2nd STORY

Once upon a time ,*ayat takleh bla _  _"
After CNY holiday,I told my parents that I'm gonna quit working.
My mama said nothing.But, my abah told me to keep working : (
But, I told 'em that I'm tired workin' there.. *gediks je ^^
Pastu,abah cakap "Kalu tok nok kijo,gi ambik lesen"
I replied abah's words with [jumpin' and screamin' like histeria person all over the house ?#@$% ]
okay,that's the story really is,,'bout me takin' drivin' license :D

On 18th February,
I'm going to register my drivin' license at perfect driving academy, which is the nearest drivin' school..
Then, I took the 'GERENTI LULUS' package.
why?sebab kalau,remind you ea, KALAU gagal test jpj,no need to pay more for the next test : )
done with the registration,

On 20th of Feb,
I'm going to Perfect once again to attend KPP class..
KPP stands for Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu.
Lama jugak class ni. 5 jam kottt..*mmg lhaa tak pernah aq attend mane2 class smpai 5 jam :(
Mungkin sape2 yang tak amik lesen lagi tak taw ape gunanya kelas ni.
Fyi,dalam kelas ni, korang akan diajar mengenai peraturan lalulintas,isyarat lalu lintas,
sistem KEJARA,n many more..
Bila aq tanye rakan2 yg dah join class ni,everyone said, it is BORING.
TAPI,bila aq sendiri yg join,*hey!who said that this class is boring hahh??
tak langsung,okay,TAK LANGSUNG.
5 jam di'split' untuk 2 session.
1st session,cikgu India bernama Mr.Thurai.
Dia sempoi,kelakar,dan tak membosankan..
Then,rehat..selama 1/2 jam.
For 2nd session,aq and sorang budak pompuan (yg aq baru kenal) ni,termasuk lambat 5 min.
Okay,seram sikit sebab cikgu ni bawak 2rotan..*habislah aku..
tapi,dia ni lagi selamber rupanya!!
Namanya cikgu Hadzwan.
Then,habis lah aq punye KPP class full with laughter and joyful moments : )

On 23rd February,
why,oh why, wani?
it's an important day jugaklah.bcoz I'm taking comp test today!!!
After 3 days of study and research and reviewing,
I'm ready to take this exam,,*semangat boh!
bila sampai kat Perfect,aq tengok, ade 2 orang je tengah tunggu kat situ..
??? aik?pelik.2 orang je?
then salah sorg cikgu kat situ cakap "tarawa"
cheh,tarawa!!! (korean lang) means follow me ^^
kami bertiga ikut lah cikgu tu pergi ke bangunan yg terletak luar daripada kawasan Perfect.
Masuk dalam bangunan tu,naik tingkat 1,tunggu kat luar bilik tu, *jumpa la faiz fitri(junior kt skola)
Bila cikgu tu suruh masuk,bapaxxxxxxx arrrrr.
ramainya manusia..ade la dalam 50-70 orang.
Nasib baik still ade sit kosong : )
tungu la kat situ dari pukul 8.30 till 10.30++
tengok orang sekeliling,semua ngadap buku lagi..
aq dah abis baca buku tu,tapi still takut,
kenapa takut lagi? coz orang yang ade kat depan,kiri n kanan aq GAGAL test ni..
GAGAL weyh..kalaw nak repeat,kena bayar RM 50 kott..RM 50..
bukan,aku kne buat yang terbaik..
bila chinese *yg tak berapa nak mesra alam sgt* yg dekat meja pendaftaran tu panggil nama aq, 
then,masuk lah dalam 1 lagi bilik tuhh..mulalah jawab 1 persatu soalan yg dia bagi dengan penuh fokus : )
bila dah abis jawab,check balik,takut ade yg careless ke..
bila dah abis jawab,dah send ape semua,
I got 48/50..
keluar dari bilik tu,,jumpa balik with chinese tadi,bagi ic,,
alamak..problem pulak ic ni..tak boleh dibaca.
then, that chinese told me to wait for 1/2 hour  : (
sadiss betul lahh.. dah lulus,jadi camni pulak.
takpo lah wani..sabar : )
then,keluar dari bangunan tu,call mama.
me : hello..Assalamu'!oghe lulus doh..
manusia mane tah : hah?!!mung gagal.?
me : what the..... kuang aja punya adik ?#$@%*
bila dah abis pusing kwsn tu,pergilah balik tempat tadi..
okay!dah dapat result!!
so,I walked to Perfect head office with such a wide smile,*kembang hidung
book for theory class....

On 24th of February,
yeay!!pergi kelas teori : )
lagi lame weyh!!6 jam..
and I met Ho Ket Yee,my former classmate..
in this class,we learn more 'bout law and car's engine for 1st session with Cikgu Hasni..
lepas rehat,
Outdoor activity,,yeay!! 
_  _" panas sgt..menghadap enjin kancil yang real..
then cg.Hasni jugak yg tunjuk all of the parts in cars front boot..
after a while,ade sorg cikgu lagi dtg and bwak kitorg prgi circuit..
cg.Hasni drive a car and demonstrate 3 important test which is,
cikgu cakap,bukit paling senang  _  _" *kenapa ramai orang cakap bukit is the hardest one?
okay,we'll wait and see..
tunggu lahh bila aq dah start blaja nanti : )
then,dah habis kelas theory,,
yeay!now,I just hve to wait for my L license :D

25th Feb..
26th Feb..
27th Feb..
28th Feb..
1st March..
2nd March..
3rd March..
4th March..  "Haneure bitnadon byori ,Jo molli bitnadon byori ,Ne mame neryowannabwa"
sape pulak la yang hantar mcg ni..*Wani bukak mcg..aik?nombor tak dikenali..
"Hi all,this message delivered by Perfect Driving(Puchong Prima)..ur L license is ready for collection,thanks and cheer"
:D  yeay!!!dah dapat L license..

On 5th March,
pergilah Perfect dengan Qurr2 to collect my L license and book my driving  class!!!
bila booking tuhh,akak tu tanye "adik nak cikgu mane ni?"
me : mane2 pun boleh la..
akak Perfect : okay,cg Hadzwann, boleh?
me : pun bole la.....  : )
akak Perfect : so,klas adik 6 dan 7 haribulan,ok..waktu sekian...
me : okay!

On 6th March..

I'll continue next time okay!!

jari-jariku yang *mulus ?@#$% ni dah menangis-nangis suruh stop.
k,so long,

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